Godherja Encyclopedia

Kikarsag Riders of the East (innovation)

When the Aversarians provided the Kikarsags with access to high quality and abundant iron for the first time in their history, it had a rapid and far reaching effect on the tribe's society. Where once their armies relied on the traditional horse archer cavalry of their cousins deeper in the steppe, now their nobility ride into battle wearing as much metal as their horses can support. Years of riding into battle at the beck and call of their Aversarian masters has given the experience needed to master the art of smashing an army with a well timed charge. Now it is Aversaria's turn to know the terror of hearing the distant thunder of iron-shod hooves.

"Coats of mail clinking, horns blaring like a thousand howling devils, the Kirkarsag struck the Aversarian line like a spear into flesh. Men screamed, those not smashed by maces fell beneath iron hooves."
~ Aesos' Account of the Battle of Mirkon