Tusuffna Circuit Initiations (innovation)
Tusuffna lodges have been a part of Sarradonian society going back centuries. Part street gang, part brotherhood (or sisterhood) of mystics, the lodges are a core part of urban society across the continent dating back to the chaos of the Halakdun itself. Recent years have seen the lodges firmly settle in as permanent fixtures in the Sarradonian cultural landscape, with some upper class lodges even being patronized by kings and Mamurs. Standard identification marks for Tusuffna members are usually garish pants dyed with the lodges colors, though in some areas local variations have resulted in lodges using scarves, vests, or unique headwear as a way of identifying membership.
"...hand slick with blood atop the idol of oaths like Dishali and Awgali. Cry with a voice clear and resolute: of loyalty to Disuwai, bravery against the its enemies, eternal revenge against the Council of Thirty-Three, and death all traitors to the republic and this oath."
~ -Purportedly an oath sworn by Ushbiliyya Lodge of Disuwai