Godherja Encyclopedia

Songs of Service and Sight (magic school)

The Songs of Service and Sight are a commonly-applied synecdoche for the traditional Damotan practices of Magic, pieced together from centuries of oral tradition and greatly revolutionized under the Boqqars' attempts to study the ruins of the Most High's original followers. The two words which name the loosely-defined school serve to emphasize the role played by these practitioners in society, and to combine the great knowledge which they access with the duty owed to their communities and rulers.

In practical terms, Singers of the Songs are expected to combine an ancient set of practical rituals to control the natural environment with a masterful knowledge of the world's will—manifesting as a famed ability to both predict and influence events yet to pass. Despite the less-prestigious role played by Magi compared to some other cultures, even Aversarian scholars have been impressed by the command of Light, Nature, and even Dream Magic displayed by some practitioners.