Godherja Encyclopedia

Alau Koev (religion)

Alau Koev means 'Fire Gate' in the Tsetnera language of the Charchacs, and the faithful claim that a great gate of pure fire once connected the mortal realm to the burning home of the gods that holds the infernos that birthed Aeras. It is believed that the last time the gate opened was possibly in the first century, and that the holy and the faithful walked through to this realm before the gate closed behind them, and it will not open again until the entire world finally enters the godly inferno anew and is burned away by the sun. Practitioners are generally described by foreigners as 'fire obsessed', the priestly caste interpreting the signs of the always-inevitable apocalypse in their flickering and rulers ritually burning themselves to prove their holiness (the more burned a body, the holier).

Their neighbours throughout history have often regarded them as mostly worthless, with burn victims generally making poor slaves. Despite their small size and poor reputation, however, they've attracted great interests from Aversarian scholars who believed the tale of the fiery gate was actually a primitive memory of an ancient spell, the most notable amongst them being the Opakhasian Magi Dethiclas.