Godherja Encyclopedia

Life Path (religion)

Unlike other religions, adherents of the Life Path care more about the journey through life than they do about the destination in the afterlife. They believe in a "clockmaker's universe," where all of existence is a perfect machine, but it may only function if certain roles are properly fulfilled by mankind. As the first and greatest of Wayfathers Sir Ranos laid out for the Marcher people, there are a multitude of different ways in life that people may follow, but within certain guidelines. All harmony comes from people following these ways as intended, and all chaos is caused by the refusal to do so.

While Clerical Control of Chevalie has always been fairly heavy-handed, the Conclave of Raocourt became the undisputed leader of the Lifepaths after the War of the Heretic Princes, declaring schismaticism to be arch-heresy in the 1011 IS Council of Ex. Since Raocourt's victory, most Lifepath faithful have followed a version of the faith in which orthodoxy is tightly controlled by the reigning Council there.