Godherja Encyclopedia

Way of Nullification (trait)

The Way of Nullification is the Path of the Anti-Magic Orders. The youngest of the Paths, it is also the most highly regarded of those commonly seen in Chevalie. Followers of the Path often follow a unique path of learning in comparison to the other Ways. Instead of learning at their own pace with a local Wayfather, these followers instead often journey out to one of the many chapter house's of the Orders to learn the craft of their Wayfather's brotherhood.

While popular in all walks of life, it is most commonly followed by commoners. As social mobility has faded from public life, many see a life with the Chapters where they can earn glory and wealth for their kin is a preferable alternative to serfdom. It helps that the followers of Nullification are nearly as legendary as those of Justice despite the Path's short age... despite the fact that, contrary to the heraldic tales, the vast majority of those who follow it will find no glory. Instead dying in one of the thousands of Lich raids or incinerated by magical power. The tales only tell of those who make it, and few enough are still alive to convince anyone of their inaccuracies...

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