Godherja Encyclopedia

Cheetah (animal)

Cheetahs are large, spotted feline creatures commonly found throughout Sarradon. They are known to be one of the fastest animals on Aeras, and can easily outrun all mounts over short distances. Cheetahs have complex social groups, and will often differ in hunting patterns depending on whether they are male or female. Their main predators are other large carnivores, such as lions or hyenas.

Hunting a cheetah is no simple task. Not only is the cheetah an impressive hunter active at both night and day, but it is also prey to many beasts of the lands it calls home. Thus, the cheetah is not only extremely fast, but it is also cautious. It does not touch meat that it has not killed itself, and works on ambush after stalking its prey. Thus our preparations are haphazard. No trap can bait it with surety.

We have tracked lesser game for several days, waiting for the beast to strike, scattering the herd every other day to encourage some of them to break off and get lost on their own. It eventually pays off, for as we watch one of these animals wander across the plains looking for its herd, we spot a blur of black and orange launch from a bush and at the beast.

Our time is now!