Godherja Encyclopedia

Sarradon (concept)

Sarradon is the name for the arid continent south of Greater Aversaria. In the intense heat of the south, the coastlines maintain lush and cool climates thanks to seawind while only a scant few leagues outside their view the land rapidly turns to desert and rocky badlands. To the center of the continent, the land is turned to jungle thanks to eastern winds and several great rivers and lakes, which is home to the Adabyssian Empire.

Sarradon has been hotly fought over for thousands of years, the home of The War in Heaven which has consumed its politics for nearly 2000 years after the rise of Wardenism. While extremely wealthy in minerals, commerce, and culture, multiple devastating events have led to large depopulation and famine across most of the continent. Most notably the use of Self-Replicating Blood Magic in 802 IS that wiped out over 80% of the northern portion of the continent's Magi and most of the ruling class, leading to mass anarchy that soon after led to the Agionist and Aversarian colonization of the region.

To the far south of the continent, tales tell of the Axoquilekko Empire which has been bitterly fighting the Adabyssians for hundreds of years. To the east, the Strait of Knives separates Sarradon from Aironoi and The Continent, and tales speak of a time in which it was once directly connected by land. Through the strait, trade from the mysterious lands of the far east greatly enriched the west, though the twilight of Sarradon and the fall of Aversaria has left it choked with pirates.

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