Godherja Encyclopedia

Sarradonian Desert (concept)

Biozone: Sarradonian Desert

The vast sea of sand covering the north of Sarradon's interior is one of the most inhospitable areas of the world. Very few mundane Creatures call this place home, but the lack of virtually any human habitation means that spirits and other Magical creatures are present in unusually high numbers.

The scorching depths of the Sarradonian Desert have an almost alien beauty. For as far as the eye can see there is nothing but the gold of sand and the blue of the completely clear sky, the otherwise complete monotony only broken up by wavelike dunes. One could travel hundreds of leagues in any direction here and would likely never pass through land visited by another human soul in the entire history of Aeras.

We have made sure to pack as much fresh water as our camels could carry, and have hired a local guide well versed in the art of navigating with the aid of the night sky. Getting lost here is an almost guaranteed death wish.