Godherja Encyclopedia

Xokola (culture)

The result of centuries of Rahikayan rule of cosmopolitan coastal cities, filled with a melting pot of Adani, Virlani, Ekaachi, and Zabari within their walls, the Xokola are a hybrid people like no other. Their tongue blends words from different languages effortlessly, and such dynamism has made them the primary diplomats of the central Kashiryan coast in many circles. Fickle and charming, the Xokola are said to be able to win the most trying of arguments with just a simple smile and a few choice words.

Xokolan fashion is often ridiculed as outlandish and foreign, borrowing many styles from Sarradonian pirates and traders in favor of Rahikayan designs. The billowing sleeves and jewlled headwraps of Xokolans have also earned them a name as the 'stray cats of Kashirya', using their careful diplomacy and quick wits to aid organised crime across the coast. Such prejudice is never far from an Xokolan, but a quick grin is usually all one needs to be lost in their enchanting proposals.