Godherja Encyclopedia

Alkaba Alalmadi (building)

Extended Magic Baseline: magic_icon +100

Alkaba Alalmadi was once the seat of power for the powerful Almadi Magi cabal. A powerful and influential fraternity, the militaristic Almadi's constant attempts to rediscover Magical secrets with which to break the stalemate with the Ritualists led to them discovering the forbidden secrets of Self-Replicating Blood Magic, roughly at the same time as the Ritualist Qurati Magi cabal.

The rest of the story is well known in Sarradon, the two cabals quickly losing control of the spell and killing nearly all of Sarradon's Magi along with a significant portion of the population, the 'Golden Age of Sarradonian Magic' thereafter being renamed to the 'Age of Fire'. Ironically enough, it was from the ruins of the Alkaba Alalmadi that Aversarian archeologists would rediscover the spell, and the fate of Aversaria's warring pretenders to repeat the mistake of the Almadi and Qurati.