Vilas Venslau (concept)
Arch Lich Vilas Venslau was once a minor government minister in the Enlightency of Vrawsyl. The most important thing of note about Venslau is how little any of the surviving historical record remarks upon him. An average (if sometimes remarked as odd or creepy) man, Venslau came from a minor noble family of accomplished Magi and served at his post with little distinction for some 15 years.
The record on Venslau changes suddenly in 154, however, when he performed a series of rituals to achieve what would later become known as Lichdom.
Venslau would declare himself the first Arch Lich, and he and his acolytes, all of which would become nearly as infamous as he (most noticeably, Silas Stavro) would destroy Vrawsyl and then the rest of Oejeynica within a matter of years in what would later become known the Sorrowing of Oejeynica. These first Liches effectively wiped all life out of the ancient north, and then proceeded to launch an invasion south into Chevalie.
Venslau reached further south than any Lich in history, his army moving deep into Kalathipsomi after defeating most of the lords of Chevalie. He would only be stopped after his mysterious betrayal by his apprentice Silas Stavro, though the reasons for this have been lost to time. While believed dead, Venslau's body was never recovered, and mothers tell their children stories of him returning to scare them into behaving to this day as far as Sarradon.