Silas Stavro (concept)
Lich King Silas Stavro, who has also gone by such names as 'Miloch Milvanic', 'Thead Thaedaric', 'Gast Gaddiari', 'Blackheart', 'Shadow Speaker', 'the Slayer of the Sun and Moon', 'the Nightridden', 'Moonbiter', 'Soulcatcher' and for several days 'Edgeblade', is the third known Lich in modern history and possibly the most famous.
Born somewhere in what was once the Enlightency of Vrawsyl in eastern Oejeynica to peasant farmers, Stavro was marked out from a young age for Magical ability and in Vrawsylian tradition was quickly taken from his family for training as a Magi. At some point during his training, likely around the time of his graduation from the academy at 16 and induction into one of Vrawsyl's Hetaeric Orders, he met and was apprenticed to Vilas Venslau.
Vilas would eventually become one of the leading government ministers of Vrawsyl, and then discover and turn to Lichdom, with Silas following in his footsteps. Vilas along with Silas and his other acolytes would destroy all life in Oejeynica in the Sorrowing of Oejeynica, and then invade south into Chevalie. They would nearly reach what would become Etepezea before finally being stopped, only after Silas betrayed his master and slew him in an attempt to take power.
700 years later, Silas would declare himself Arch Lich and invade the Marches during the Anarchy of the Five Crowns and the Red River War. He would be defeated by The Champion of Chevalie in the Palace of Gisredde, and his bones were thrown into the sea. Where he would stay dead, surely forever.