Godherja Encyclopedia

Grande Gisredde (concept)

Grande Gisredde, originally Barrotgeis, is Peti Gisredde's sister city. Despite historically being far less prosperous and notable to all observers, Grande Gisreddeans claim their city to be superior, pointing towards centuries of tradition and significant achievements such as the establishment a monarchy after only several decades of political collapse and its brave three day resistance to the Lich Silas Stavro before its sacking.

Barrotgeis began as only several somewhat associated villages south of then flourishing Peti Gisredde, its original name eventually fading as it grew to become the second most important city in the polity. It equally benefited from the Gisreddepact, and the Council of Gisredde would rule as two co-councils over both cities. The two became rivals, however, after Peti Gisredde welcomed thousands of refugees fleeing the Sorrowing of Oejeynica despite opposition from traditionally conservative Grande Gisreddeans.

During Champion Era Gisredde, however, the conquest of the two cities would lead to the Coup of the Wayfathers. This would lead to a period of political chaos throughout the Anarchy of the Five Crowns that would only end with the city's sacking by Silas Stavro (an event mourned yearly, and celebrated with a 'parodical' parade in Peti Gisredde) and the establishment of the ducal monarchy under which the city has since drunkenly advanced on in the shadow of Peti Gisredde.

15 mentions