Peti Gisredde (concept)
Peti Gisredde is both the name of the city in western Chevalie and its ruling polity, which controls both city and countryside. Originally the Gallicader holy site Sweverg Irssraedl, its conquest by Viceroy Inian Wisestar led to its founding as Inianvilla. Over time, it would become Chevalie's staple port, and possibly the most successful city in all of The Continent. Built upon ruins predating known civilization, the massive black-stone docks would help to establish Peti Gisredde as a maritime trade power.
Gisreddean history is traditionally split into three distinct eras. The first settlement by the Gallicaders, Inian Wisestar's conquest, the failures of Mical Wisestar, the annexation of Barrotgeis, and the Shoemaker Rebellion and the establishment of the Gisreddepact in 239 IS all fall under Pre-Pact Gisredde.
The following Pre-Collapse Gisredde would begin the rivalry between Peti Gisredde and Grande Gisredde and the Fraternity of Gisredde. The Anarchy of the Five Crowns would bring Champion Era Gisredde, which would last until the The Champion of Chevalie's sacrifice on the roof of the Palace of Gisredde. Most notable in the era besides the war against Silas Stavro was the Coup of the Wayfathers and the independence of Grande Gisredde.
Still ongoing is Glorious Gisredde, an era which has seen the city flourishing, cementing Peti Gisredde as a world power and Grande Gisredde as a city with a somewhat stable government. Despite difficulties in the War of the Heretic Princes, the city continued to grow, especially with the growth of the Gisreddean Banking System.