Godherja Encyclopedia

Glorious Gisredde (concept)

'Glorious Gisredde' is the era of Peti Gisredde's history lasting from the death of the The Champion of Chevalie (ending the short Champion Era Gisredde) to the modern day. Chancellor Maywait named the era in 1011 IS after proclaiming the city was amid its greatest golden age, a claim that remains difficult to dispute since the city's establishment as one of the world's most influential trade powers.

Peti Gisredde's flourishing through trade has been the true mark of the era, commerce reaching as far as Kashirya, with further prosperity thanks to the opening of trade with a devastated Sarradon and the growth of Marcher adventuring abroad. The city nonetheless faced crisis in the collapse of Clerical Control of Chevalie and the War of the Heretic Princes like the rest of Chevalie, being the site of Thiscul den va Vescot's 'Four Steps of Salvation' and many murders. Despite the establishment of the Conclave of Raocourt as the sole arbiter of faith, however, the city continued to form its own competing Conclave whenever Raocourt attempted any amount of control.

Regardless, Peti Gisredde would grow further and further as a cosmopolitan power, especially with the 1067 IS establishment of the Gisreddean Banking System, and Gisreddean sailors, merchants and mercenaries can be found in any realm 'where hearts yet beat, and coin is yet to be gained'.

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