Godherja Encyclopedia

Viceroy Inian Wisestar (concept)

Inian Wisestar ('Wisestar' added centuries after his death) was a Chevalien warlord and folk-hero who rose to power in the midst of the Marcher migrations. Serving the mysterious successor to Good King Bastone, Wisestar gathered a large host and conquered western Chevalie from the last Gallicader clans there, establishing Inianvilla over their holy site of Sweverg Irssraedl, Inianvilla one day becoming Peti Gisredde. For his victory, Inian gained the title Viceroy of the West.

Despite being declared a Waysaint of Justice and his establishment as a folk-hero, Wisestar's historical character is controversial. Marcher tales speak of a wise and clever ruler who tricked Gallicaders into revealing their evils, then slaying or converting them. Aversarian scholars in the 10th century claimed otherwise. Historical records that match Gallicader legends showed a Wisestar known for brutal cruelty against the Gallicaders, of endless political plots and schemes, and constant feuding with neighboring lords out of desire to further his power.

Regardless of his virtue, Wisestar would fend off several Gallicader rebellions and firmly end their hope of restoration, and rule for some thirty years before his assassination by Gallicader rebels, the Viceroyalty passing to his son, Mical Wisestar. His legacy would not last, Mical's reign facing many misfortunes (such as the Three Pier War) which ended in the Viceroyalty's disbandment and annexation by neighboring warlords.

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