Godherja Encyclopedia

Sweverg Irssraedl (concept)

Sweverg Irssraedl was an ancient Gallicader holy site to that was likely established several centuries before the Marcher migration into Chevalie in the first century. Priests likely saw the ancient black-stone docks of the local ruins (creators unknown) as the remnants of godly habitation, and performed great sacrifices and divinations at shrines built at their ends while interpreting the stars through the reflections on the sea.

Viceroy Inian Wisestar destroyed the shrines in 79 IS after his conquest into the west. Attempts at resistance led to great massacres of the Gallicader faithful, the Marcher's driving them from the coast. The village of Inianvilla would be established upon it, though the name lasted barely a decade before being replaced with a bastardization of the Gallicader name, Svergirssred. Svergirssred would grow to become Peti Gisredde, its name either slowly bastardized or renamed in honor of Jan va Gisredde depending on the story-teller.

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