Godherja Encyclopedia

Red River War (concept)

The Red River War was the closing conflict of the Anarchy of the Five Crowns between the Montegon, Valadec, Illurdian, Den va Pontaget and Den va Seignon families. Beginning with an assault of Mond Graz Castle in Illurdian lands by the Montegons, the three other kingdoms soon used the conflict to launch their own invasions as well, assisted by mercenary Anti-Magic Orders who had long given up pretenses of fighting the Liches and Magi in order to work as mercenaries for the competing warlords.

While the war went on for several years before the invasion from the north, it is mostly detailed in the history books with the invasion of the Arch Lich Silas Stavro who proved to possibly be the most cunning Lich the Marchers had ever fought. With strategy, intrigue, and being able to keep the Liches under his command thoroughly beaten down, the Liches soon overwhelmed the Marches and invaded the last free Marcher city of Peti Gisredde.

While Silas burned the Marches, The Champion of Chevalie seemingly rose from the ashes. Their origins, name, and even gender have since been lost to history, but what is known is they embarked on a great quest to unite the disparate Anti-Magic Orders and warlords against the Liches. Taking command of the Anti-Magi and uniting them for the first time in history, and soon after convincing the various remaining kings to agree to peace, the Champion then led a united Marcher army to contest the invasion of Peti Gisredde. Within the burning city, they dueled Silas Stavro and sacrificed themselves to slay the Lich, ending the Red River War and the Anarchy of the Five Crowns.

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