Godherja Encyclopedia

Four Steps of Salvation (faith)

Parent: Life Path

The Four Steps of Salvation was a heresy of the Lifepath formed in the mid 9th century by Chevalien aristocrat Thiscul den va Vescot. Salvationists preach that the four true paths are the Way of Pain, the Way of Blood, the Way of Dread, and the Way of Fear, and demanded of its followers everything from ritualized cannibalism to mass torture and murder indiscriminate of station, gender or age.

Always on the fringe, Salvationists entered the public eye after a string of brutal murders in Peti Gisredde, and briefly rose up in several cities before being brutally stomped down on by an inquisitorial force along with over a dozen knightly orders. Thiscul himself, along with his entire dynasty, was publically executed, and 'Thiscul' is now considered something akin to a heretical curse word in Chevalien society.