Godherja Encyclopedia

Watch House № 3343 (building)

Previous: Barber's Alley
Next: Bender's Trap

One of seemingly infinite joint barracks, prisons and training centers for His Majestic Duke of Grande Gisredde's Noble and Respected Loyal City Watch of the Grandest Gisreddean City BITNOAWFAWMBTGORBAAPAHBGSAS, passerby often overlook Watch House № 3343 as yet another hall to 'the city's least respected and most corrupt criminals'. But despite the reputations of both Gisredde's Watches as a worse career choice than 'Lichdom Explorer', the men and women of № 3343 remain diligent in constantly saving the city from apocalyptic disaster and never receiving thanks or recognition.

Most Watchmen are content to accept the legal maximum monthly bribe, but the Watches 'least uniform' members stand apart. For although most members are 'failures', 'outcasts', 'in the Watch as an alternative to execution' or 'speaking a completely foreign language and likely stole a uniform after wandering in', they are often the only thing standing between just any other day on the mean streets of Krippy's Row and yet more cults trying to summon a kraken.