Dragons (concept)
Dragons were Godtouched Creatures that primarily resided in Aversaria and parts of northeastern Sarradon from a time before the historical record until roughly the middle of the 3rd Century IS. Ferocious and massive reptilian beasts, dragons could breathe fire, ice, or poison upon their foes, fly with massive wings, and showed an intelligence at or above a human level. They were capable of complex speech, though only the ones they spoke to could seemingly hear their voice. Dragons would come in a variety of colors based on the contents of their breath, and would normally travel in packs of up to six-a mother and father couple and their children, normally splitting once the children either found mates or created their own packs.
Dragons were rare but not entirely uncommon in their homelands along the Shattered Coast and it was considered a high honor in Aversarian society to be declared a Dragon Rider upon taming one of the creatures, normally through forming something akin to a friendship with it. The rise of Aversaria coincided—partially due to Aversarian breeding programs—with a marked increase in the dragon population, and by the War of the Thousand Dragons there would be over 800 recorded Dragon Riders belonging to various cliques and fraternities across Aversaria.
Dragons were seemingly wiped out during and after the war, first from battle and then later after Aautokratir Aexionarax deemed the remaining dragons too dangerous and had them slaughtered.
The most famous dragon in history was Arthenax, commonly believed to be the last living dragon.