Godherja Encyclopedia

Ixsian (culture)

Often named in Aversarian poems as a 'people lost in time', Ixsians are Islanders of the formerly lost polis of Ixs. During the War of the Thousand Dragons, the city's elected peerage of Magi (the Council of the Thirteen) despaired at the death of their last Dragon, Thusinarix. After Carox and its famed Diarchy of Runic Armor-clad despots were lost to dragonfire, a hastily prepared Ritual was performed to shield Ixs and its satellite cities from the world.

The ritual, instead, caused a great wave to across the islands with all traces of the city and its inhabitants vanished once the waters receded.

In the 7th century a great wave once again washed over the islands and wiped out the new settlements that had since been rebuilt, but once the waters subsided, Ixs and its inhabitants were returned as if less than a century had passed. While the Ixsian War would nearly destroy the returned city, the Ixsians have long since rebuilt. The city's archives are prized for containing troves of lost literature and artifacts, but some say that the ancient ritual still curses the inhabitants to the modern day.