Godherja Encyclopedia

Ixsian War (concept)

The lost polis of Ixs's reappearance in a great flood during the 7th century (destroying the second city of Ixs, its inhabitants, and those of its neighboring isles) sparked debate across Aversarian legalist circles, Aautokratir Kethemodes declared in favor of the literalist 'Maklean' faction of the debates. The Makleans claimed that the city and its inhabitants had not been 'purified' and in fact violated sacred Divine Law by using soulless Time magics. This is largely accepted to have been a cynical move, as Kethemodes declared that since the city had never been placed under a Governorate during Maklea's Reforms and thus owed hundreds of years of taxes directly to the throne. The city refused, and shortly thereafter the Imperial Army was sent in a punitive expedition.

The following Ixsian War would last for several months. While the Ixsians possessed archaic armaments and a very small military, they did however possess over a dozen functioning suits of prized Runic Armor and archives still filled with ancient Rituals and artifacts that had not been seen in centuries. The Ixsians used these gifts to great effect, but new rituals developed after the Ixsians vanished and a swarm of trained wyverns from the Governor of Etepezea's menagerie eventually overcame the defenders. The Ixsians would soon surrender, and much of their great archives were looted, their riches stripped, and the city placed under Imperial authority. The ongoing (and rapidly worsening) Chaos of the Seventh Century would however see Kethemodes's death and the Imperial grip slacken, and the donation of the city's four remaining sets of Runic Armor to Aautokratir Eramos for use against the Kartharaddi would see the city allowed to return to self rule.

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