Godherja Encyclopedia

Crater (concept)

Biozone: Crater

The great Crater of Kratemezin is a shallow tropical sea ringed by a thin strip of fertile coast in northeast Sarradon. Possessing rich sea life, generally pleasant (if humid) weather and a heavily cultivated landscape — mostly dominated by agricultural wetlands and light rainforest — the area is generally considered one of the most idyllic in the continent's tropical belt.

Perhaps the most famed local inhabitants are the great saratans that wander the bay's shallow waters, creatures that have only been observed in a scant few other regions in the entire known world.

Crater is as nonthreatening a tropical region as one can imagine - the rainforest cover, where it exists, is sparse and mostly inhabited by creatures that pose little danger to humans. It is virtually impossible to get lost due to the surrounding mountain range providing a constant landmark.

The smell of the ocean is ever present, as are the sporadic sounds of the great saratans that inhabit it. The Great Crater is famed for its bountiful marine life just as much as its idyllic coastline, and whether we choose to hunt creatures of the land or sea, we are unlikely to come away disappointed.