Godherja Encyclopedia

Mongoose (animal)

Mongooses are small, carnivorous mammals that can be found throughout Kashirya and parts of Sarradon. Hunting them is often considered recreational than a serious challenge, but they can still pose a threat to those wholly unprepared. They are commonly found inhabiting forests, scrubs, and grasslands, and will often venture beyond their natural habitats. As well, there are some domesticated mongooses that are kept for rodent control, though this is not a common occurrence.

Just ahead of us, a mongoose stands, breaking the eggs inside a snake nest. The mongoose is not a dangerous threat, but we must still exercise caution if we want to avoid getting hurt. I lightly step closer, weapon at the ready, and my companions follow. The beasts are fast, and can be incredibly bloodthirsty when cornered, so we must act decisively if we wish to catch it.