Godherja Encyclopedia

Urmahlullu (animal)

Found in wilds that hug the craters of Eastern Sarradon, the Urmahlullu is a quadrupedal felinoid creature with an upper body that resembles a human. Rare and solitary, those that spot the creatures are rumored to disappear. Whether intelligent or cruel, the Urmahlullu is a swift beast that leaves few survivors.

From what I have heard of the Urmahlullu, it is a creature of some intelligence. The stories of it hunting its own hunters seem somewhat exaggerated, but I cannot afford to underestimate the creature. With four clawed limbs and two more with the strength of a man, the wits of such a creature are the least of my worries.

My party find an Urmahlullu raging across the plains with no prey in sight. It turns on its clawed legs multiple times, charging at nothingness. As we get closer, I see a primitive spear held in its hand made from a broken branch, and it seems to turn toward me. Whether it has spotted us is unclear, but it begins to charge toward my party.

I prepare my weapons to face this mysterious creature. If I am to fight it, then I must make the first move.