Godherja Encyclopedia

Zebra (animal)

Striped equine beasts, zebras can be found in southern Sarradon. Though they bear resemblance to horses, zebras have never been adequately trained to either be ridden nor to pull a vehicle, despite the frequent efforts of Aversarian and Sarradonian eccentrics over the centuries.

I have spent hours crouched in the tall grass of the delta, the bottoms of my feet damp from the recent flood. Thus far I have little to show for my efforts, but hopefully that will soon change. A monotonous stampede of starkly striped zebras crests a small hill at the edge of the wetlands, fanning out across its expanse. A lone stallion, oblivious to my presence approaches my hiding place, gnawing tenaciously at the vegetation. Slowly, I raise my bow and nock an arrow, steadying my breathing as I aim down upon the hearty beast's chest.