Dragonspire (building)
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The wicked Tyrandax, it is said, was so proud of this imposing tower — the tallest in the entire valley — that he had pronounced a curse on any that dared try making a greater one. Though outwardly magnificent, the structure has long held a troubled reputation; many say that the blood of the thousands of slaves baked into its mortar by Tyrandax' dragonflame had left it forever cursed, some that its use as a gaol by the tyrannical King Clothar III 'Witchblood' caused evil energies to fester within its dark stairways, and yet others dismiss these stories as nothing but the superstitions of children and gossip of scullions.
Undeniably, however, the tower's height, impractical stairwells, oftentimes poor access to sunlight and haunted reputation have resulted in its upper reaches often being left scarcely used or even derelict for centuries at a time.