Golden Spire (building)
Previous: Hall of Metrilos
Though Dragoncourt had seen dozens of lesser towers and turrets added to its design over the centuries, none truly compared to the size of the Princess' Spire or Dragonspire, both having been constructed with ancient Kathanouxaic techniques long lost to time. Despexa Xythia decided to put the vast fortune she inherited from her infamously miserly father to good use, and put her own mark on the castle by building a tower to top even the Dragonspire.
When Xythia died nearly half a century later, the tower had still not reached even half its planned height, its construction having been stymied by setback after setback and increasing funding problems. In retrospect, the project's over-ambitious and impractical design combined with the worsening fortunes of both house Amnythriac and Aversaria as a whole likely doomed it from the start, though some also whispered that the curse of Tyrandax was punishing the Despexa's hubris. Seeing no plausible way of finishing the spire's original design, Xythia's successor would instead opt to finish the structure at its current state, compensating for its lack of height with a spectacular, gilded solar.