Godherja Encyclopedia

Sophocos (building)

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The 1001 Steps of Sophocos are, according to the Ritualists, the stairway to heaven. Or at least an ambiguous and highly contested concept of what most Ritualist scholars contend to be a place of true spiritual enlightenment.

A pilgrim town now clusters around the base of the tower, attracting merchants and enterprising relic-sellers. Accommodation for poor pilgrims now consists of several large lodging halls, with the rich setting up their own tents at a respectable distance. Hymns and chants now emanate from a few humble prayer halls. A few innovative pilgrims have dared the tower to suspend massive prayer rugs off the flanks of the tower, proclaiming the supremacy of their own particular denomination. A spirit of friendly rivalry has begun to develop between the sects who come to pay homage. A few enterprising individuals have taken to digging for relics around the base of the tower.