Godherja Encyclopedia

Sophocos (building)

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The 1001 Steps of Sophocos are, according to the Ritualists, the stairway to heaven. Or at least an ambiguous and highly contested concept of what most Ritualist scholars contend to be a place of true spiritual enlightenment.

A riot of buildings has sprung up around Sophocos, playing home to both the faithful and the enterprising. The poor sleep in cramped accommodations or mean tents, while those who can afford it enjoy fine beds and food at a number of well-run taverns and boarding houses. Few of the old humble prayer halls remain, having largely been pushed out by a new crop of competing temples. Flags and ribbons now festoon the formerly austere flanks of the tower, as ascending pilgrim bands compete to outdo one another. The landscape around the tower is now pockmarked with shaft mines dug by relic hunters.