Ertomax (concept)
Ertomax was the fourth man to win over the disparate tribes of the Aruvasue, at least according to the records of the Aversarians. Whilst his kingdom in the second century IS was the most successful state the Aruvasueni had ever seen, many differing stories have emerged about the man. Some stories claim he raised an army from the dead with Dead Magic to conquer his way across Aironoi. Others say that it was his sharp wit and quick hands that won him his crown, charming his way across the lands of the Ja'Rakmari. Some even claim that the man who marched upon the Hill of the Golden Saint was not the same king to return to his capital to feast weeks later.
Whilst a vocal minority at best in the early days of the kingdom, his cult has only ever grown throughout the centuries. Once thought a backwater cult, the Ertomaxist faction of the Zaribat Ekadri attempted to revive the empire of Ertomax in the chaos of the Bayyuralar; instead, the High Priesthood of the Aruvasue shattered, and the glory of both Ertomax and the Aruvasue was permanently muddied.