Godherja Encyclopedia

Aironoian Bronze Age (concept)

The Airnoian Bronze Age is a period of Aironoian history that is traditionally defined as spanning from approximately 2500 BI to 399 IS, and ending with the arrival of Aversaria in the region. During that time, the region experienced the rise and fall of many great states and empires, from the long-lasting Astilik Empire and the anointed river kingdoms of The Kasiryat to the realm of Ertomax and countless pre-Öltenic nomad confederations of the Aironoian Steppe.

Immense trade networks, such as the Kherkeloi trade route, spanned much of Aironoi, facilitating the movement of vast quantities of tin, silver, and other goods across the region and beyond. Still, even they have declined and eventually collapsed due to instability, desertification, and the arrival of the Ölteni, signaling the beginning of the end for the local civilizations.

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