Godherja Encyclopedia

Mavixar's Curse (concept)

The ancient Uakaloh faith was far more brutal than its modern incarnation. Priests now preach fellowship with others (for Tenese watches them as well (his eye the moon Aervalr)) and only the willing face sacrifice (for Tensese does not enjoy the company of angered souls). This change followed the sacrifice of Queen Mavixar of the Mijabixo, who cursed them after the brutal sacrifice of both her and her people.

The curse followed her sacrifice by Tlakalakan Magi-King Azartic. Following her curse, they say a great blast of light followed her death, and the shocked Uakaloh stormed the temple and slew Azartic and his family. Despite this, they claim endless calamities in the Tlakalakan Migration were brought from Axemati Tlakalaktli. Tlakalakan legend states the curse’s words were:

#N Damnation and horror to you, Azartic, and your kin and blood! Let your people know no peace as you still draw breath, and let them never settle in lands free from the blood of tragedy while a single of your kin still rules them. While your people still worship your ‘godly’ blood, so too shall theirs be tainted by despair! Damn you Azartic! And damn all you rule and ever shall!

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