Month of the Magi (concept)
The Month of the Magi was a series of events (actually taking place over two months and three weeks) that culminated with the Pathosixyic Academies, the most important of the Mayikprolollans, declaring independence from Aversaria and their freedom from Imperial law.
The events began in 1229 IS with Arch-Magi Terrox' successful takeover of the Mayikrata and subsequent declaration of its independence from the Empire. This would soon be followed by the disastrous Hour of Four Legions and the Thallasian Magicoup, ending the Month of the Magi with around 120 dead (over 90 of which were in the Mayikprolollan sto Thallas) and effectively ending the Mayikprolollans’ histories as academies for Magi.