Godherja Encyclopedia

Terroxian Imperial Edict-Manifesto (concept)

After achieving victory in the Mayikratan 'Miniature' War, the newly-installed Arch-Magi Terrox took absolute power over the Mayikrata. Seeing the recently concluded Vilnian Assault as evidence that Aeschraes could no longer pose a threat to the Kalathipsomian academies, the Arch-Magi shortly declared himself in an 'Imperial Edict-Manifesto' to be an independent aautokratir with no connection to the Aversarian realm and formally closed the institution to students from those he deemed ‘loyalist families to the false aautokratir’.

Word of the declaration would only reach the Mayikprolollan sto Thallas and sto Spathas a month after as several thousand copies of the near two hundred page declaration of independence reached the cities with orders for them to be shipped to rulers across Aversaria and as far as Kathun-Kai (it is commonly believed that in doing so, Terrox effectively ended Aversarian bookmaking, the last magic-based printing systems-the method of their creation lost in the 11th century-used by Magi breaking down from overuse and the resulting booklets being considered little more than paranoid self-centered ramblings undeserving of being possibly the last pieces of Aversarian literature).

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