Godherja Encyclopedia

Raqiyya (concept)

A renowned early Wardenite legal scholar. Raqiyya, the Niece of Uthsuf b. Iblid the Second Mamur of the West, was born in 382 IS. Raised in the inner circle of Wardenite power and scholarship, as she grew she demonstrated a keen mind and clear talent for legal work. Over her ensuing sixty-two years she put to paper countless commentaries on the First Warden's Laws, as well as the conduct and casework of the first generation of Judges and Mamurs. While she was considered remarkably astute in her own time in the decades and centuries after her death her prominence has grown unceasingly. Today she is one of the most influential legal scholars in the faith besides the First Warden himself. Her writings are so foundational, even-handed, and thorough that they are largely accepted as sound teaching material by all three of the Great Schools of Wardenism. Indeed, some trained scholars have argued that Raqiyya's genius was not only in her careful avoidance of the nascent factional disputes of her day, but that she seemed to have forecasted those which would only emerge centuries after her death."