Mamuramat (concept)
A central institution in the Wardenite faith, the Mamuramat is equal parts judge, general, and king with its traditional responsibilities straddling the secular and the spiritual. The original Mamurs were lieutenants under the First Warden himself, leaders in the The Great Uprising. The names and exact number of these of leaders are somewhat disputed, but the official histories of the modern Mamuramat claim there were exactly three given direction jurisdictions. However, this narrative is often disputed, with many Wardenites claiming it is an oversimplification - or even a lie. In modern times only the central Mamur remains, standing alone where its eastern and western siblings have collapsed. They claim to have inherited the authorities bestowed upon their fallen brothers in arms, but the notoriously legalistic Wardenite faith remains split to this day as to whether or not the assumption of powers is actually actually allowed under the law.