Godherja Encyclopedia

The Age of Tathtali (Legal Era) (concept)

The Halakdun could have been the death blow for Wardenism, but instead it served as a crucible from which came something altogether different - and in the mind of the A'Bajjarmi'a, stronger. This era - ranging to the end of the reign of Tathtali's heir Uthman in 874 - saw the position of Mamur formally transform itself into something akin to an absolute monarch. It was in this period that the Tabaqai'a Traditionalists would formally sever their ties to their former A'Bajjarmi'a comrades, as the latter finally began to fully commit themselves to the project of legally entrenching the newly unified Mamuramat. Ominously, it was also during this time that the scattered and often proscribed schools who rejected the idea of a Mamur altogether first began to establish an informal network among themselves, taking root along the peripheries of the Mamuramat's territory.