Godherja Encyclopedia

Hudi (culture)

The Hudi of western Kharadamat are a people that have been defined by their faith for most of their history - even moreso than their neighbors. For millennia rejecting both Ritualism and later Wardenism, they instead venerated Shub-Yuaguag - the Milk-Mother, despite attempts by preachers of both rival religions to convert them to their creed. Though increasingly adopting Wardenism in the last few centuries, they are to this day known to be conservative to a fault. Abroad and in distant lands, they're far more well known for the quality of their artisanal goods - especially their weapons. It is said that a Hudi scimitar can cut through steel armor like a dagger through a piece of cloth, and they tend to fetch a similarly admirable price.

With the subjugation of the kingdom of Kudamash as a client state by the Agionists in 1161, they've found the rigid ways that define them to be increasingly at odds with their new Aversarian masters. Fatefully joining the rebel cause in the Faghira-Jalil Revolt, they would become the prime target of Sansianite furor in the Kahdavrakan Supper, and have since then largely fled their ancestral homelands for the relative safety of the Mamuramat. In crisis and without a home, mass conversions to Wardenism have taken place, and it is likely that their ancient belief in the Milk-Mother is soon poised to disappear for good.