Godherja Encyclopedia

Qahsarides (culture)

Prolific desert traders, the Qahsarides were the natives of the area now known as Ayyar. Using long caravans of camels protected by trained mercenaries, trade was brought from one side of the desert to the other safely. More recently, Qahsarides traders have given way to newer traders more directly related to Ayyar and the Mamuramat. However, the heritage of the Qahsarides was not forgotten. While they are no longer famous traders, they still keep the tradition of raising camels, even if in modern times they're raised mostly for the milk, with most of their camels rarely going on long treks across the desert as their ancestors did.

Along with trading, they are known for being reliable mercenaries. Initially, Qahsarides mercenaries were mainly hired to protect traders, but as the region has destabilized further, Qahsarides mercenaries are more and more often involved in wars. The tales these mercenaries bring back home about the horrors of wars has led to their people being strongly against any rebellion in their homeland which could cause similar strife, leading to them being firm loyalists toward whichever state they live under.