Godherja Encyclopedia

Adani (culture)

The lands of the Adani consist of dry hills, where only the hardiest of communities grow to a considerable size without the threat of starvation. Thus, they relied upon scholar-kings to lead them through the cold and dry winters when Magic was the only solution to famine and drought. Such reliance upon the most learned has solidified the place of ancient and tested knowledge amongst the Adani, and a xenophobic attitude to their neighbours who they believe wish to rob them of their sacred secrets, especially following the Dharya Varha.

The most peculiar tradition of the Adani to foreign observers is the Doynateka Saryatti, and those who sponsor the elephant that reaches the bottom first are said to be saved from drought for ten cycles of Aervalr. The events, held biannually, have become corrupt and political affairs over the centuries, and many an elephant is felled in a desperate bid to gain the favour of the ancient ritual.