Godherja Encyclopedia

A Shattered Jewel (event)

Character: King Pavron of Legio XVII 'Stereon'

Asiupoli, oh fairest Asiupoli. In the days of my father she was the shining jewel of Aversaria, the city so mighty she looked down upon the entirety of the decrepit west like the Purest on Their throne above the hive of the World City. Then the Thousand Days, the Imperial Civil War, and of course Self-Replicating Blood Magic and Frodbrokna.

When my Legion first arrived here I had hoped to purge the city of the treacherous slaves and lowborn scum that had squatted in its ruins. Before we could properly establish ties with Tetradia, however, inhuman scum arrived from the sea and did the unthinkable. They took Asiupoli.

'Asiupoli' the barbarians dare call it now! Were matters not poor enough, now word comes that some heretical eastern whore, Hecaeda, plans to be the one to 'liberate' the city. A 'reformer' she calls herself, willing to destroy everything that separates us from the scum that sit in the ruined capital.

One day when the Empire rises anew from her crisis, when the impure and unclean masses, the treacherous slaves who betrayed the Empire again, the uncultured barbarians who crawl over her carcass like maggots, and the cowardly traitors like Hecaeda and her false legion are all scorched from history like the inferior cultures the Empire destroyed to take this land... one day when all of this is done, they shall remember it was Legon Pavron and the loyalists of State Legio XVII that saved the heart of the Empire.

Even if we must do it alone, we shall retake Asiupoli!