Aersanon (concept)
"They woke in the void, alone and cold.
They dreamed of friendship, and found dead stone.
They cried a thousand years, and filled the seas.
They gave their blood, and made the plants.
They gave their soul, and brought the animals.
They gave their love, and made us."
Aersanon was the creator of Aeras and all living things. One of many 'Gods', Aersanon was the only one even comprehendible to humans in any form, for Aersanon made humans in Their image and the bounds of their mind are drawn by the limits of their perception of Aersanon.
Aersanon created humanity out of a desire to find companionship, but was disappointed when humanity proved to be unable to meet them at their level. Despite humanity worshipping Aersanon as a god, Aersanon cast them aside and created the Aelfir. Happy at the improvements made, Aersanon was nevertheless disappointed with the inherent cruelty and insanity in their blood, and began a third project when They were struck down during the Godherja.
The dead mind of Aersanon, or at least of Aersanon's image on Aeras, is the source of GederĂ°a, The Odrstund, and Frodbrokna. Their blood is the source of Living Magic, their body the source of Dead Magic, and their mind the source of Mixed Magic. Magic is more powerful around the Towers from which They ruled, and along the paths upon which They tread.
Tens to hundreds of thousands of years since their 'death' (insofar as such a concept applies to a God), Aersanon has been forgotten by all besides the most childish or esoteric of fairytales and religious lore.