Godherja Encyclopedia

Prehistory (concept)

Prehistory is considred any time not on the modern Imperial calendar. Aversarians believe the world was founded at 24,000 BE by the 'Purest'.

In actuality, the world was formed anywhere from 20,000 to 400,000 years before this. As hundreds of different ways to track time have passed, and time as modern humans know it has not always existed (possibly only truly starting after the Godherja) it is impossible to accurately date most of human history.

Roughly, Aersanon created the world after several aeons in the void, and then created humanity to attempt to make beings to converse with. Humanity was allowed to create its own kingdoms, all which worshipped Aersanon, but Aersanon grew tired of humanity's imperfections and created the Aelfir. The Aelfir conquered and enslaved humanity and formed their own empires, and after several hundred thousand years, humanity rose up and destroyed the Aelfir and Aersanon both in the Godherja.