Aelfir (concept)
The Aelfir were the second project of Aersanon, created in Aersanon's continued quest to make a being They could consider Themselves equal to.
The Aelfir were considered an improvement over humans. They were far superior at Magic, bred less, lived longer, and were generally considered far smarter and stronger. While looking similar to humans, they possessed long pointed ears, alien yet exceptionally striking facial features, and shades of skin going from ivory to black to blue.
The Aelfir's greatest flaw was in their cruelty. Obsessing over their own image and power, the Aelfir regularly brutalized one another and especially humans in attempts to further their own power. Aersanon saw this as a weakness and strove to fix it with a third project, but was stopped by the Godherja and Their apparent death.
The Aelfir formed multiple empires across the planet before their destruction in the Godherja, from which they reigned for several thousand years with humanity toiling as a brutalized slave caste. After humanity stole their magic and wiped out the race, they have been almost completely forgotten from history. The closest to memory of the Aelfir is from the Aversarians who worship a pantheon of 'First Men', and the Sjalvolki whose tales of Creatures from the 'Gods Above' contain mentions to Aelfir, though they are considred minor demons and little more than monsters.