Godherja Encyclopedia

Aversarinas Aagiokrata (concept)

The Aversarinas Aagiokrata (or Imperial Humanity in Aversarian) is the official state religion of the Aversarinas Aautokrata (similarly, Imperium of Humanity) and the historically largest religion in Greater Aversaria. The religion itself is highly decentralized, with Aversarinas free to choose one of many local or foreign monastic orders and sanctioned cults to dictate their practice and interpretation of Aversarian scripture. What is agreed upon by all schools, however, is that Aversarians are the true representations of humanity. The Purest arrived on Aeras at some point in the past and either were joined by or then created the First Men. The Purest was the first and most powerful Magi in history, and gave the gift (assuming they did not already possess it) of magic to the First Men in return for their fealty, allegedly becoming the first aautokratir.

The loose structure of the faith and the cynicism of the Aversarian aristocracy in late Imperial history have led to the religion often being used for little more than to control the many conquered peoples of Aversaria. Generally, when Aversaria does not outright wipe out the peoples or cultures of a region, they will twist local belief to fit into the Aagiokrata in some form (normally conflating local gods with the Purest and mandating religious practice through law). Cultural assimilation then begins, with portions of the population being declared Aversarians and resettled elsewhere, until finally the people's are all considered Aversarian in nature if not in blood or are wiped out through military cleansing, with their cultural cult either disbanded or brought even further in line with mainstream belief and largely sidelined.

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