Godherja Encyclopedia

The Five Figures (faith)

Parent: Aversarinas Aagiokrata

When Aversaria came for the Theygundarope, the ancient beliefs were lost under the brutal tide of total warfare and genocide. What remains is a legend of the Five Figures, ancient prophets who saved their people from annihilation through subservience to the Purest. For proving their Purity they ascended from this world, joining the Purest in divinity for eternity.

Their teachings of Blood Veneration and self-sacrifice are honoured by the many noble families that still trace their lineage to the Five, preserving their legacy through peace and the continual rule of only those blessed with Purity. While the Aversarinas Aagiokrata at large frowned upon this blatant heresy, generations of Governors found coexistence the most profitable, stable course of action.