Godherja Encyclopedia

Orn'daehz (faith)

Parent: Orn'daehz

Adherents of this faith consider the Orn'daehz, or 'Goldkin', as their gods and masters, who themselves were just as diverse as humanity despite their great power and fell after breaking into two warring tribes. They believe that the Goldkin were then destroyed by the 'Skywoman', who banished them to a land without love or passion.

Thus, the Orn'daehz partake in the pleasures of the flesh, conduct ritualistic raids and imbibe strange euphoria-inducing elixirs in order to channel their sensations as energies to the 'other land' — believing that given enough energy, the Goldkin will be able to escape their exile. The Druhan'daehzag also believe in a holy state of being called the 'Lifematch', where two men or two women claim another to be the missing half of their soul and (in an attempt to prevent the ancient schism that destroyed the Goldkin) declare that their spirits are forever one, refusing to partake in any form of pleasure without the other present.